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Apple Pie Overnight Oats recipe

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

Apple pie overnight oats is a flavorful and satisfying breakfast dish that captures the essence of apple pie while providing a variety of nutrients, including fiber, healthy fats, and essential minerals.

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

How healthy are these apple pie overnight oats?

Apple pie overnight oats can be a relatively healthy breakfast option, especially when compared to traditional apple pie. However, their overall healthiness depends on various factors, including portion size, ingredient choices, and individual dietary preferences and needs. Here’s an overview of the potential health benefits and considerations:

Health Benefits:

  1. Whole Grains: Rolled oats are a whole grain, providing complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber. They can help you feel full and satisfied, stabilize blood sugar levels, and support digestive health.
  2. Fiber: Chia seeds and oats are both excellent sources of dietary fiber. Fiber is essential for digestive health and can contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management.
  3. Protein: Chia seeds and almond milk provide some protein, contributing to the overall nutrient balance of the meal.
  4. Healthy Fats: Chia seeds contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and inflammation reduction.
  5. Antioxidants: Apples and cinnamon are rich in antioxidants, which can have various health benefits, including protecting cells from damage.
  6. Nutrient Variety: Depending on the nuts you choose to garnish your oats with, you may also add healthy fats, protein, and additional vitamins and minerals to your meal.


  1. Sweeteners: The amount of sweetener (honey or maple syrup) you add can impact the overall sugar content of the dish. You can adjust this to your taste or use natural sweeteners in moderation.
  2. Toppings: The use of toppings like white chocolate can add additional sugar and calories. Consider using these toppings sparingly if you’re looking for a healthier option.
  3. Portion Size: Be mindful of portion sizes to ensure you’re not overindulging. While the ingredients are nutritious, consuming excessive calories can still be a consideration.
  4. Individual Dietary Needs: The healthiness of this breakfast can vary based on individual dietary needs and preferences. For example, if you have specific dietary restrictions (e.g., dairy-free, gluten-free), be sure to choose ingredients that align with your requirements.
  5. Balance: While this recipe contains many healthy components, it’s essential to maintain a balanced diet by including a variety of nutrients from different food groups throughout the day.

Apple pie overnight oats can be a nutritious and convenient breakfast option when prepared with moderation and attention to ingredient choices. Adjusting the sweeteners and portion sizes to suit your preferences can help make this breakfast fit into your overall dietary plan.

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

What are Apple Pie Overnight Oats made of?

Certainly! Here’s a description of each ingredient used in your Apple Pie Overnight Oats recipe:

  1. Rolled Oats: Rolled oats are whole oat groats that have been flattened and rolled into flakes. They are a staple in oatmeal and provide a hearty, filling base for your oats. They are a good source of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber.
  2. Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are tiny, nutrient-dense seeds that can absorb liquid and create a gel-like consistency. They add texture and a boost of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein to your oats.
  3. Almond Milk: Almond milk is a dairy-free, plant-based milk made from almonds. It’s used as a liquid base for the oats and provides creaminess without dairy. It’s often lower in calories than cow’s milk and is a source of calcium and vitamin D, depending on fortification.
  4. Honey or Maple Syrup: These natural sweeteners are used to add sweetness to the oats. They also contribute flavor. You can adjust the amount based on your desired level of sweetness.
  5. Butter: Butter is used for sautéing the apples. It adds a rich, buttery flavor to the sautéed apples.
  6. Ground Cinnamon: Ground cinnamon is a spice that adds warm and aromatic notes to the oats. It’s a classic spice used in apple pie recipes and enhances the overall flavor.
  7. Apple: Apples are diced and used both in the sautéed apple topping and within the oats. They provide natural sweetness, fiber, and a pleasant fruitiness.
  8. Honey (for drizzling): Additional honey is drizzled over the oats as a final touch. It can enhance sweetness and presentation.
  9. Chopped Nuts (e.g., walnuts or pecans): Chopped nuts are optional but can be used as a garnish for added texture, flavor, and healthy fats. Walnuts and pecans are commonly used choices.
  10. Melted White Chocolate: Melted white chocolate is used as a topping for added richness and sweetness. While it’s a delicious addition, it should be used in moderation due to its sugar and calorie content.

These ingredients come together to create a flavorful and satisfying breakfast dish that captures the essence of apple pie while providing a variety of nutrients, including fiber, healthy fats, and essential minerals.

Apple Pie Overnight Oats ingredients

How to make Apple Pie Overnight Oats?

In a mixing bowl, blend together the rolled oats, chia seeds, almond milk, and your choice of honey or maple syrup. Stir the mixture thoroughly, then allow it to sit for approximately 15 minutes. During this time, the chia seeds will absorb some of the liquid, causing the mixture to thicken.

Meanwhile, in a skillet, melt a teaspoon of butter over medium heat. Add the diced apple to the pan and sauté them for a few minutes until they start to soften. Sprinkle ground cinnamon over the apples and drizzle them with honey. Continue sautéing until the apples become tender and are coated in the honey-cinnamon blend. Remove the pan from heat and set the apples aside.

cinnamon apples

Now, in a mason jar or an airtight container, begin by placing a layer of the oats-chia mixture at the bottom. Following this, add a layer of the sautéed apples, ensuring they are spread evenly over the oats.

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

Then, add another layer of the oats-chia mixture. To finish, drizzle melted white chocolate over the oats and, if desired, sprinkle chopped nuts like walnuts or pecans for garnish. Seal the container with a lid and refrigerate your Apple Pie Overnight Oats until you’re ready to savor them.

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

If you like overnight oats, check out these recipes:

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

Apple Pie Overnight Oats

Apple pie overnight oats is a flavorful and satisfying breakfast dish that captures the essence of apple pie while providing a variety of nutrients, including fiber, healthy fats, and essential minerals.
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
refidgerating time 3 hrs
Total Time 3 hrs 25 mins
Course Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 1 serving


For oatmeal:

  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

For apples:

  • 1 tsp butter
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ apple, diced
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Chopped nuts (e.g., walnuts or pecans) for garnish and melted chocolate


  • In a mixing bowl, combine the rolled oats, chia seeds, almond milk, and honey or maple syrup. Stir well to combine. Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes, allowing the chia seeds to absorb some of the liquid and thicken the mixture.
  • In a skillet, melt the teaspoon of butter over medium heat. Add the diced apple to the pan and sauté for a few minutes until they begin to soften. Sprinkle the ground cinnamon over the apples and drizzle with honey. Continue to sauté until the apples are tender and coated in the honey-cinnamon mixture. Remove from heat and set aside.
  • In a mason jar or airtight container, start by placing a layer of the oats-chia mixture. Next, add a layer of the sautéed apples, spreading them evenly over the oats. Follow this with another layer of the oats-chia mixture. Finish by drizzling melted white chocolate over the oats and sprinkling chopped nuts (e.g., walnuts or pecans) for garnish if desired.
  • Refrigerate your Apple Pie Overnight Oats until you're ready to enjoy them.
Keyword apple, chia, cinnamon, oats

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