Chocolate-covered Apple Slices is an easy and healthy snack when you’re carving for chocolate but with fresh and juicy additions. I love this snack as it’s easy to make, and it looks as much delicious as it tastes.

- 70g chocolate (I use sugar-free)
- 2 “Gala” apples
- Additions: pomegranate seeds, coconut flakes, chopped pistachio nuts.
Some words about the ingredients.
As we need a healthy snack better to use chocolate with good ingredients. The fewer ingredients used in the bar are better. High-quality chocolate is rich in flavanols like epicatechin and catechin, as well as anthocyanins and phenolic acids.
Gala apples are perfect for this snack. They are not sour, with a mild flavour, with a crispy but not too hard texture.
Here you can add whatever you like. I chose pomegranate seeds as they add a bright sour-sweet taste, chopped pistachios, and coconut flakes. I can add some other nuts or seeds, e.x. pumpkin seeds.
1. Cut the apples into slices about 3mm thin.

2. Put the chopped chocolate in a bowl and microwave in 25sec intervals. Stirring between each interval till it’s completely melted. Mine chocolate took 2 intervals.

3. Dip the apple slice in melted chocolate so the slice is half in chocolate. Use a spoon to cover the slice if the bowl is not deep enough. Put the slice on a tray lined with parchment.

4. Spread the chosen additions on top of the apple slices. I first place pomegranate seed and then chopped pistachios and coconut flakes.

5. Let the chocolate cool for about 20mins in the fridge and enjoy your snack!

If you like easy chocolate snack recipes, check out these Chocolate-covered Yogurt Tangerine bites!
How long will chocolate-covered apples last?
Chocolate-covered apple slices can last for up to 3 days when stored properly. The exact shelf life can depend on various factors, such as the temperature and humidity of the storage environment, as well as the freshness of the apples used.
To maximize the shelf life of chocolate-covered apples, it is important to store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Room temperature is typically fine, but avoid exposing the apples to direct sunlight or heat sources, which can cause the chocolate to melt or the apples to spoil more quickly.
Additionally, if the apples were not properly washed or dried before being dipped in chocolate, bacteria and moisture may cause them to spoil more quickly. It is best to wash and dry the apples thoroughly before coating them in chocolate to minimize the risk of spoilage.
Chocolate-covered Apple Slices
- 70 g chocolate (I use sugar-free)
- 2 Gala apples
- some pomegranate seeds, coconut flakes, chopped pistachio nuts.
- Cut the apples into slices about 3mm thin.
- Put the chopped chocolate in a bowl and microwave in 25sec intervals. Stirring between each interval till it's completely melted. Mine chocolate took 2 intervals.
- Dip the apple slice in melted chocolate so the slice is half in chocolate. Use a spoon to cover the slice if the bowl is not deep enough. Put the slice on a tray lined with parchment.
- Spread the chosen additions on top of the apple slices. I first place pomegranate seed and then chopped pistachios and coconut flakes. Let the chocolate cool for about 20mins in the fridge and enjoy your snack!
Chocolate-covered Apple Slices